Champignon is the most common mushroom today. He deserved popularity by being a storehouse of extremely useful elements necessary for maintaining health and preventing diseases. In addition, it is an affordable substitute for meat and fish products.
The nutritional value
The chemical composition of the product contains many minerals and trace elements. Nutrition and energy value of champignons is (per 100 g):
- in raw form, calorie content is 27 kcal, in canned - 12, the number of calories in cooked - 37;
- 4.3 g proteins in fresh mushrooms;
- fats 1.0 g;
- carbohydrates 0.1 g;
- dietary fiber 2.6 g;
- water 91 g.
Did you know? Oncologists believe that champignon contains antitumor activity.
100 g of champignons contain a complex of vitamins and minerals, including acids:
- ascorbic acid - 7 mg;
- nicotinic acid (PP) - 5.6 mg;
- niacin - 4.8 mg;
- a group of vitamins A - 2 mcg;
- pantothenic acid - 2.1 mg;
- lactoflavin - 0.45 mg;
- thiamine and alpha-tocopherol - 0.1 mg each;
- beta-carotene - 0.01 mg;
- pyridoxine (one of the forms of vitamin B6) - 0.05 mg;
- folates - 30 mcg.
Useful properties of champignons
The mushrooms in question contain very little sodium - only 6 mg, which allows us to recommend it for diets without salt. However, a high potassium content (530 mg) helps maintain the functioning of the cardiovascular system, saturates the brain with oxygen, normalizes blood sugar, and is also beneficial for the skin of the face and hair.
Did you know? Champignon can be found in the menu of many diets for weight loss due to its low calorie content, high nutritional and energy value.
Interestingly, the product contains almost as much calcium and phosphorus as fish. It contains 18 amino acids, 8 of which are considered indispensable for humans, because the body cannot form them on its own.
Vitamin B group helps regulate the perception of the color gamut by the eyes, provides free adaptation in the dark, takes part in metabolic processes, the synthesis of hormones and hemoglobin. Vitamin PP is actively involved in the energy and metabolic process, normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
Video: beneficial properties of champignons
The beneficial properties should also include the prevention of premature wrinkles, and due to the presence of selenium, which is part of anti-aging cosmetics, the mushroom received the title of "elixir of youth." The use of 500 g of champignons per week helps maintain skin elasticity and the prevention of cellulite.
Mushrooms help reduce the risk of heart attacks and atherosclerosis of the blood vessels, act as a natural antioxidant, and also perfectly remove toxins from the body. Suitable for people with diseases of the stomach and intestines.
Important! Mushrooms are not best combined with fibrous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower). At first, it is recommended to limit the preparation of dishes with these products.
Harm and contraindications
Despite all the useful qualities, the product can be harmful. This can happen in two cases: if toxic mushrooms are used, or a person has an individual intolerance. In other cases, they are not contraindicated.
It is also undesirable to overeat mushrooms, especially for children - the fact is that the fruits contain a large amount of chitin, which is difficult to absorb by the body. For safe use, it is important to treat the champignons with warm water.
Children under the age of two should not eat mushrooms. If the child is older, and you plan to introduce the product into the diet, you need to do this gradually, cut into small pieces - the chance of damaging the digestive system is greatly reduced.
Important! During breastfeeding, such a product should be eaten very carefully and buy only in trusted places. Before the baby turns 3 months old, it is better not to eat them at all.
Recommendations for the selection and storage of champignons
It is recommended that you select trusted sellers who, when growing champignons, do not use pesticides. Fresh mushroom should not have brown spots. Young champignon is even white, overripe products acquire a dark shade - during preparation they become stiff and taste tastes bitterness.
There are a number of simple rules, adhering to which, the use in cooking will be tasty and most useful:
- Pay attention to the mushroom hat. It should be slightly pinkish or beige, without cuts and spots.
- Look under the hat and make sure it sits on the leg tightly. If the hat is wrapped, or there are spots there - the mushroom is overripe.
- The leg should be elastic and without voids inside.
- Inspect every mushroom. If there is at least one overripe among the fresh fruits, it will accelerate the spoilage of the rest.
Open mushrooms without packaging can be stored for 2–3 days, if they are placed in a plastic bag or wrapped with cling film - up to 7 days.
In the freezer, you can store raw, fried, boiled mushrooms. When frozen, the shelf life of thermally processed fruits increases to 6 months, while raw ones are suitable for 40 days. You can also resort to pickling (stored for at least a year), or drying. If you chose the latter option, consider that approximately 90% of the total mass is lost, and their shelf life is 8-12 months.
Champignons are not only tasty, but also incredibly nutritious - it is difficult to overestimate the good effect on the body. A large amount of easily digestible protein will help speed up muscle gain, and systematic use will speed up metabolism. The main thing is to take into account the above storage periods, selection criteria, tips, and then the maximum amount of nutrients will be stored in the product.Important! Mushrooms are not recommended to be washed before being refrigerated.