Due to bad weather, the agrarians of the Kirovograd region could not finish the sowing campaign on time.
The greatest damage from the vagaries of the weather was suffered by the agricultural lands of the Gayvoronsky and Bobrinetsky regions of the region.
Currently, farmers of the region are deciding on the appropriateness of preserving these lands or their complete reseeding, said Sergey Korenyuk, director of agro-industrial development of the Kirovograd regional state administration.
Now the sown area of the region is 1.7 million hectares, or 96.5% of the planned. This year, agricultural producers of the Kirovograd region plan to receive 3.73 million tons of grain.
Earlier it was reported that according to the Main Department of Statistics in the Kirovograd region in 2018, producers in the region increased their exports by 25%, compared with 2017, which amounted to 521.8 million dollars.
Exporters of the Kirovograd region sold goods to 119 countries of the world. The largest number of Ukrainian goods purchased: China, India, Belarus, Russia, Spain and Turkey.
Among the sales were oils and fats of vegetable and animal origin, prepared foods, machinery and equipment, and electrical equipment.